Does your deposit method have to match the account which you use to buy inventory?

Hello Amazon Sellers,

I want to ask that is it necessary to use the same bank account for buying stock which we attached with our seller central as deposit method ?

Let’s suppose I have personal WISE account & I attached that with Amazon so can I use payoneer too for buying stuff ?

No is not necessary to use the same bank account., you can use any bank account for purchases but they have to be the company bank accounts …You are not supposed to use personal bank account for business purpose


No you can use any account for it but details should be same


No, use any account you want for purchasing. Just try and ensure the details match seller central if possible or at least your prep centre address which should be saved into seller central


Yes, it’s necessary to use the same bank account attached to your Amazon Seller Central as the deposit method for buying stock, but you can use different payment methods like Payoneer for other transactions.

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Which address is more necessary to same on invoice, billing address or Shipping address?

Well shipping address will be my prep centre address, & we can also add prep centre address into our seller central too nah?

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What I’m planning to start OA in US without forming LLC, using my WISE account for deposit method & buying stuff

And then once I get stable & confirmed that my account isn’t suspended by

Amazon so then will create LLC & upgrade both things (Amz Acc & WISE)

I’m doing this because I have heard that amazon immediate suspend Pakistani accounts after first sale or even after creation, so if this happened with me so my LLC will be wasted

Hope it make sense…

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Mostly people are saying I can use different bank account for buying stock, its not necessary to use that bank account which is attached with Amazon as deposit method.

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