Does anyone know a tool like this?


is there any extension or tool that can tell on Excel or Google Sheet if an ASIN is gated or ungated on my account?

You can use Amazon’s MWS (Marketplace Web Service) API to obtain such information programmatically. You would need to develop or use a script (in a language like Python, for example) that interacts with the MWS API to check the gating status of specific ASINs.

Any simpler way? Programming is too much for me tbh

If you upload listings via flat file then it might tell you as upload the ones without restrictions and shows you the restricted products which can not be uploaded.

Hey mate, actually I have distributor catalogues and I just scanned them. It would be a big hassle to check each ASIN one by one or even each brand. I just want a find a way to make this process easier.

I have no idea about uploading listings through flat file. I can see an option of “search multiple products” in Add Product section where I can enter 20 ASINs at a time which does not seem too time saving either.

Thanks for your help.