Difference between UPC and fnsku

Hey guys quick question:

I need to know the difference between UPC and fnsku. I know what they both mean and what they both do but my question is how do I apply these in my Amazon package.

If you think about it, both of them are barcodes.

Someone told me I need fnsku code and that’s all, the upc I just buy from gs1 and plug it in the seller central when putting the product descriptions but when it comes to sticking it, I don’t need to stick UPC. I just have to stick the fnsku with made in China and that’s it.

Can you guys please help.

FNSKU is a barcode unique to you. If you send a product to Amazon warehouses without FNSKU (and they send it without FNSKU), they will not know who the product belongs to when the return arrives. and the products will be put in the same box. For example, if someone else has sold a counterfeit product, you may encounter the counterfeit product when you want to bring the products back to your own warehouse. FNSKU protects you from many troubles…


That’s correct. In fact, if your item has a UPC printed on it and you chose to use FNSKU labels when sending in product, you would have to stick it over the UPC barcode to hide it.

The UPC is needed when creating the listing (unless you go for UPC exemption). It uniquely identifies the product whereas the FNSKU is unique to you.


UPC is required to create a listing. FNSKU goes on your product packaging, upc doesn’t.


For Amazon FBA, you typically need to apply the FNSKU barcode to your product packaging, unless you choose to commingle using the product barcode instead. The UPC is thereby not usually required for FBA, but it can be helpful for listing your product. Stick the FNSKU barcode to your product, and when creating your Amazon product listing, you can use the UPC for identification purposes. For most products, the FNSKU alone is sufficient for FBA. Be sure to follow Amazon’s guidelines for labeling and barcode requirements.


I heard if you do private labeling you need UPC. But where will UPC go and where will FNSKU go? Cannot put 2 barcodes in one place

If it’s private label, as it’s your product, you decide if you want to actually print the UPC on the item. You should really unless for definite you won’t sell them item elsewhere other than Amazon.

So, assuming you have chosen to print the UPC on the item, the FNSKU label needs to go ON TOP of the UPC so there is only 1 barcode on the item.

Some of my PL items that I only sell online and not in any retail shops, I print just the FNSKU on the item so no overlabelling is needed.

Do read the other posts in this thread as your questions have been answered by several people several times. Also do read/watch the Seller University lessons to fully understand the system…


If you haven’t printed upc on your packing than go for fnsku and use upc for listing only.

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If you have purchased UPC codes before you order you product start manufacturing, you can send UPC tk them and they will print it on your packing. Same you can do it with your fnsku, you can get them printed on your product packing to avoid sticking lables.

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Yes but do I stick both or just stick one? Both of them are barcodes which one do I put in my actual product ?

Okay sounds good now I understand. So I buy UPC in gs1 just to plug in the number in listing phase. Once I plug the number I don’t need to stick any UPC in the package, I need to stick FNSKU only.

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