Customer Product Condition Complaint


I received a Product Condition Complaint with the customer stating I sent the wrong product.
Per Amazon, my listing is at risk of removal, and there has been no impact to my account health (but my score did go down from 216 to 212). It’s not a huge deal if they shut down this listing, as I only have 1 more in stock. However, I don’t want this to impact my account health.

When I attempt to appeal, it asks “Has your account been deactivated in error?” It’s a listing-level issue, not an account-level issue, so I’m not sure why I land on that screen.

I do have receipts and can prove that it was 100% the correct product sent, but in the past I’ve lost each battle with Amazon despite the fact that I was 100% in the right, and this time I don’t have 10+ hours to spare going back and forth with them if this really isn’t a serious issue.

What say you all? Is it a big risk to acknowledge and just take responsibility even though I am 100% in the right (and have the receipts showing the correct UPC)?


Lawyer up and sue the buyer.

If you can prove damages and prove they are making a false story that is damaging your business then go for it.

Problem is you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Seems that you are doing some kind of arbitrage either online or from a B&M retailer. What you just did is to sell used as new.

Activists and scammers can spot those doing RA and know exactly how to get stuff for free. All you can do is let amazon force a refund and hit your metrics or you can refund and hope amazon does not shut down your account.