Could you kindly explain this?

The listing has multiple variations, and the BSR (Best Sellers Rank) is good, but for the variation that is showing the BSR, its sales are only showing 10%, whereas based on the sales, it should be 20.

However, for the variation that has very good sales, there hasn’t been a seller for over a month, and no BSR is being shown.

What made you think that the variation with no sellers/BSR has sales? That variation is definitely not selling, as there are no sellers.

Please show a screenshot with the variation tab in Keepa. Then, to get a clearer picture, go to the ‘Data’ tab, check ‘Offer’, and observe the stock movement.


I checked the offer count, and the variation showing the least sales actually had good stock movement within one month. However, another variation, which shows a higher percentage, had sales 5 months ago but no recent sales. My question is: on what basis does Keepa show this percentage for variations? Based on monthly sales observation, it seems incorrect.

I would like to help you, but please take some clear screenshots so I can better understand the situation. I need to see the variations and the offer count. Or, if you prefer, you can share the ASIN in private, and I will take a look.

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Ok, I will.