Can anyone suggest some great stock management software?

Mainly to help forecast what stock needed, when reordering as well as prioritising the ASINs which need replenishing first?

Basically software which keeps us running smoothly, helping with order management as well as staying stock as well. Thanks!

If you are doing private label then inventory lab and if wholesale then make your system on google sheets, I believe no one can understand your business better than you.


I use SellerToolKit and Sellerboard.


I find STK okay, but it’s not the best for stock and replenishment management. Better than nothing, though, I guess. I use STK personally, but I hardly use the replenishment feature.


I use a combination of STK and Seller Board for replenishing. The main feature from Seller Board for replenishing is the velocity filter.

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Oh great. I will need to check it out, thanks!