Buyer payment pending status

Hey guys,

I’m quite new in Amazon and my product just went live like couple of days ago. I got two sales and both are like with pending payment. Does anyone know if this is something from the buyer or there is something I have to do? I’m fba so Amazon takes care of the orders.

Thanks in advance for your help.

You do not have to do a thing.

Here are some of the most common reasons for orders being in Pending status:

  • Amazon has been unable to obtain authorization for the buyer’s credit card.
  • The buyer selected convenience store payment but hasn’t completed the payment.
  • For an FBA order, the buyer has qualified for free shipping and the order is waiting for all of the order items to be gathered.
  • For an FBA order, if the order is for multiple items but one item is out of stock. Even if Amazon chooses to divide the order and send the in-stock FBA Units, the order will still show Pending status.

Since 99.9% of pending orders turn into positive sales, just be patient. This happens all the time.


Sometimes payments take an few days to a week to clear, it’s normal. Other days the payment clears within a few hours.

All FBA orders show pending until shipped once it ships then it will show completed and the money will be available unless you have a rolling reserve.

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