Barcode cannot be scanned

Hi guys,

just come across something new this morning - I got notified of a shipment problem ’ barcode cannot be scanned’ - bit weird as there’s 50 units but apparently 18 could not be scanned ? LOL

Has anyone had experience with this? Do I just raise a case and ask them to scan more carefully?


It may be that the barcode is not clear enough and cannot be scanned. You can contact Amazon to see if it can be scanned again. If it cannot be scanned, you need to create an Amazon removal order, send it to your own address, and then paste the barcode and create a shipping plan. Send to Amazon


Nothing LOL about this. Barcodes need to be printed correctly otherwise they may not scan.

Poor quality / smudged
Insufficient light margin
etc etc

These may happen if you are printing barcodes individually on labels but not if they are part of the packaging design meaning that they are all the same. So if there is an issue with such barcodes, all will be unreadable.

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I had the same issue, but I submitted a dispute because I applied the label the same way as other products without any issue. So, I opened a case, and they resolved this problem by informing me that their system detected that Amazon was supposed to apply the label, but that wasn’t the case. Initially, I wasn’t clear about the problem, but I’m happy that the problem has been resolved.

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This is more than likely misprinted fnsku labels (faulty printer)

Im sure i had this before, and i acknowledged the “mistake”

I had this problem for 15 units and reasons was "barcode cannot be scanned”. There was no option other than to acknowledge, but when I clicked to acknowledge a dialog box appears and give me some MCQ’s. So still I don’t know how to answer these MCQ’s. One thing what I can understand is that my inventory was cylindrical shape spray so I should label them horizontally not vertical. Or sometimes the issue is with misprinted barcodes.

Same thing happened to me today with 40 units :smiley:

Thanks thats very helpful. Yes its very off - 50 units and only 18 with an issue.

That’s correct if the label is applied on a curved product and isn’t applied vertically the scanner won’t bend around curves