Do you want to know how to get contact information for over 473k active brands being sold on Amazon?
I’m talking about the founder, ceo, cmo, head of sales, executive suite emails and phone numbers.
Going to keep this short but if you’re a pretty clever person this will set you on the right path should you want to reduce all these risks on Amazon and do things 100% by the book.
Here is the tech stack that you can use.
Smart Scout. Wow this program is amazing.
You can get info on every single seller as well as every single brand. It’s a great place to discover brands as well as their revenues on Amazon.
But you won’t get contact information so it’s somewhat useless information on its own.
To get the contact information, as long as the brands have legit operations and aren’t some rink dink private label shit brand. Go to Apollo io which allows you to setup a free account.
It’s like having LinkedIn sales navigator but it’s way better.
From here you can put the name of the company in and you will have the names of all the employees at these companies. As well as the contact information for them.
But to be honest don’t waste your time if you won’t come to the table with capital. A brand wants you to be able to commit to tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to open accounts.
Which is why small sellers stay small and go away eventually. Because they either don’t have the money or they won’t invest the money into getting that account open.
So they keep buying from retailers or wholesalers and have a hard time actually growing beyond a shit business that isn’t worth it.
So, if you want to be able to actually make this work, this is the framework to get in front of decision makers at these companies and never run out of leads to contact.