Anyone is selling in the UK here?

If so - do you know if there has been any change in Amazon BuyBox Win algorythm?

I’m using Bqool repricer (Non-AI) -although I don’t know how much it matters, as in the last 1 month the price of this product is pretty steady (only dropped twice by £0.05).

Strangely, in the last 30 days, only 3 other sellers gets the BuyBox, despite me selling at the same price, I have the same amount (or more) stock than others.

According to Keepa, these 3 sellers sold like 400 units, while I sold only 5 units (probably returning customers, because according to Keepa, the last time I got the BuyBox was 57 days ago).

In the previous months I consistently sold around 60 units a month, never run out of stock…
I’m completely clueless. Is it possible that Keepa is that wrong? Or Amazon changed the Algorythm in the last month?

This is a question related to amazon UK marketplace only! (It’s because BuyBox algorythm is different in the UK and in the USA )

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I haven’t noticed a change personally but as I am the sole seller of my items, I wouldn’t. Saying that, I have many offers which are FBA as well as FBM and I prefer for FBA to win but as my FBM prices are often much less, the FBM offers win. Doh!).

There is a change expected in May as announced in February. It’s a cut-down version of the EU ruling which the UK don’t have to meet. Personally, I don’t think it’s going to have a positive effect for fairness and it may even have a negative effect.

Until now, Prime has had a major impact on the buy box. But as you can see from the announcement, delivery speed will now be a major factor. This means that FBA will still trump FBM and it may even trump SFP. A seller has already said that their delivery times have been changed to 2 days for their SFP. ( I hate using the word “trump”. Apologies)

This is the announcement:

" UK Commitments on Featured Offer
21 Feb 2024
Following the agreement reached recently with the Competition and Markets Authority, which covers the Amazon store in the UK, we will update the Featured Offer criteria in May 2024 for the UK store.

As we strive to show our customers the best Featured Offer on the product detail page, we’ll continue to ensure that the criteria used to determine the Featured Offer are non-discriminatory and treat sellers and Amazon retail equally. Eligibility for Prime and the Prime badge won’t be a criterion when determining the Featured Offer. Prime will continue to offer free and fast delivery which are factors that customers value and therefore are relevant in determining the Featured Offer."


Nothing to do with the repricer, as you mentioned that you are matching the Buy Box (BB) but still not getting it .

I don’t believe anyone can tell you exactly how the BB algorithm works; we only have assumptions. We have a general idea, but nothing precise. Anyway, could you tell me about the other sellers’ stock levels and feedback? Do they have a lot in stock and a high number of reviews?

What I would do in this situation is add a rule to the repricer that if there are no sales after a certain number of days or weeks, to drop the price by £0.01. This could help you to get the BB and make some sales. However, be sure to match back as soon as you get the first sale, as you don’t want to kill the listing.


Thank you for your responses… I was thinking the same, I reduced the price in the morning by £0.01 (below BuyBox Price), I’m the cheapest FBA, they didn’t match my price (yet)… and I also didn’t sell any…

I have the 2nd highest tock, and my Feedback is just as good as the others (or better)… See attached Keepa Stats…

It’s just very strange…


Change your zip code as it might show someone else in the Buy Box, and you may have added a zip code that is very far from where your stock is located hence no Buy Box.