Anybody else been getting instant rejections on ungates recently?

Having to go through each one moaning to the “support” explaining how can they review my invoice in 0.1 seconds.

Suppose it’s hit and miss as I’ve gone through periods where I’ve had instant acceptance.

Clearly amazon don’t have enough to do at the moment…

Yes, faced the same issue, within a second got mail, invoice isn’t accepted, I submitted 3 times, 3 times invoice was rejected.

New account ?


I have been getting declined for auto ungates way more than previously.

Yesterday I was declined for like 10 brands. Zero approved.


I would request a call from them and ask for explanation .

Open a case where I would provide all the infos and ask for more explanations and to get ungated.

If still headache I would test with an invoice from Amazon (A2A).

Ungating is becoming harder and harder at the moment. There is no longer a required amount of 10 units either, which makes it even harder to get it right on the first attempt. @Muhammad made a good suggestion. If you supply an Amazon invoice, that may be your best shot. At the end of the day, they can’t claim their own invoice is insufficient.

You would be surprised…

The same with authenticity claims