Hi, We are Pan European seller and had already provided our Poland VAT number in seller central for over a year now. Amazon has recently launched amazon.pl marketplace and have automatically sync and created account on Amazon.pl. Received this first Performance notification on 29th January 2021. Witaj, Twoje konto sprzedającego Amazon.pl zostało dezaktywowane zgodnie z sekcją 3 Umowy Amazon Business Solutions. Wyłączono Twoje oferty. Środki nie będą przelewane, ale pozostaną na Twoim koncie, dopóki nie podejmiemy z Tobą współpracy w celu rozwiązania problemu. Może to potrwać do 90 dni, ale środki mogą być przechowywane dłużej. Wyślij wszystkie otwarte zamówienia, aby zapobiec dalszym ograniczeniom względem swojego konta. Dlaczego tak się dzieje? Masz konto ********* Ltd , na którym wykryto naruszenie jednej z naszych zasad. W rezultacie nie możesz już używać konta “Account Name" Sprzedaży do sprzedaży na Amazon.pl. Jak mogę reaktywować swoje konto? Aby ponownie aktywować konto sprzedaży “Account Name” , wykonaj poniższe czynności: Musisz najpierw ponownie aktywować konto powiązane z “********* Ltd. Dokonasz tego przesyłając odwołanie. Postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami zawartymi w informacjach otrzymanych w związku z danym kontem. Po pomyślnym reaktywowaniu konta, należy złożyć odwołanie, aby reaktywować bieżące konto ( Account Name ). Można to zrobić z poziomu tego linka: Amazon – Logowanie. Przesyłając odwołanie, musisz podać w nim nazwę konta, które zostało reaktywowane oraz datę ponownej aktywacji. Co zrobić, jeśli nie jestem właścicielem konta — ********* Ltd ? Jeśli uważasz, że nie jesteś właścicielem innego konta, wykonaj poniższe czynności: Jeśli kiedyś posiadasz konto lub byłeś/-łaś właścicielem praw do konta, ale już ich nie posiadasz, prosimy o złożenie odwołania ( Amazon – Logowanie ) i dostarczenie dokumentacji uzupełniającej, aby pokazać, że nie jesteś już jego właścicielem i/lub nie masz już żadnego związku z tym kontem. Dokumentacja uzupełniająca może obejmować umowę sprzedaży, umowę zakupu lub umowę przeniesienia działalności gospodarczej, rozwiązanie umowy itp. Jeśli nie rozpoznajesz powyższego konta i uważasz, że ta dezaktywacja była wynikiem błędu, wyślij odwołanie korzystając z poniższego adresu: Amazon – Logowanie i potwierdź, że to konto nie należy do Ciebie. Jeśli nie będziemy w stanie pozytywnie rozpatrzeć Twojego odwołania, Twoje konto nie zostanie przywrócone, a to konto nie będzie mogło prowadzić działalności w serwisie Amazon w przyszłości. Co się stanie, jeśli nie wyślę żądanych informacji? Jeśli nie przedstawisz ważnego odwołania lub nie zdecydujesz się odwołać od dezaktywacji, po upływie 90 dni od tego powiadomienia możesz oddzielnie zażądać wypłaty środków, kontaktując się z [email protected]. Przeprowadzimy osobne dochodzenie w celu oceny Twojego konta. Jeśli okaże się, że konto zaangażowane było w oszustwa albo nieuczciwe lub nielegalne działania; lub jeśli okaże się, że nadużyto działania naszych systemów lub wielokrotnie naruszone zostały nasze zasady, które chronią klientów i naszych partnerów (sprzedawców), możemy zatrzymać część lub wszystkie środki na Twoim koncie. Z poważaniem Zespół ds. wyników sprzedawców https://www.amazon.pl The account was never Active before. My account is operating fine In UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, and Netherlands. Its just Poland site Amazon has recently launched and automatically created account and it got deactivated straightaway. I also opened any account on Amazon.jp (japan), but could not work on it and downgraded it and that account is deactivated since 2018. Never had any issue as it is not being used. Also, I have recently account on Amazon AWS (Amazon web services) with same e-mail. And that account is active without any issue. I have company buying account with same e-mail on Amazon.co.uk and it is active without any issue. I have Personal account with personal e-mail (Different to Company email address) on amazon.co.uk. Active without any issue. I have written to them two days ago, explain that we do not hold any other account and never been part of the account. It could be the reason as Amazon Poland already has our VAT number, as we were enrolled in Pan European programme and have receive the following response. My message to Amazon two days ago: “We have just noticed this today that our amazon.pl account has been deactivated. Sorry we did not notice this before as amazon.pl has been launched recently and we were learning processes of posting orders after Brexit. Therefore, we had put our account on holiday mode until we can learn the posting procedure after Brexit. We do not have any other account on Amazon apart from this one. We are UK Based company and have been selling on Amazon Europe as PAN European seller. Our company name is “---------- Ltd” and trading name shows on Amazon as “Account Name”. All EU Market places are linked to Source account in the UK. We DO NOT hold any other account. As we are selling as Pan European Seller, we have already provided our Poland VAT Number on Amazon. This may have caused this error of deactivation. Apart from this account we do not hold any other account. We request you, please help us reactivate this account. Please let us know if you need any documents or proof to send you. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Best regards, After two days we have received this response: subject = Important information about your Amazon seller account Dear “ -------------------- Ltd/ “Account Name” You have been found to be related to an account beginning with We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your account at this time. To reactivate your account, please take one of the following actions: Reactivated any and all accounts that have been enforced for policy violation by submitting one appeal for each enforcement. Please follow the instructions in the communication received for that account or by signing into your Seller Central account. OR Substantiated claims that you once owned the account or had account rights but no longer own it or no longer have account rights by providing supporting documentation. This includes but is not limited to sales deed, purchase agreement, business transfer agreement, contract termination, etc. OR Confirmed that you have never owned a separate account and believe this deactivation was in error. If we cannot substantiate the claim, your account will not be reinstated and this account will not be allowed to do business on Amazon in the future. How do I send the required information? Please click on the View Appeal button on the Account Health dashboard (Amazon – Logowanie) and submit additional information as requested. What happens if I do not send the requested information? If we do not receive the requested information within 90 days of the original notification, your account will remain deactivated. Do not attempt to create a new seller account. Creating a new account will delay the reactivation process and may lead to permanent closure of your account. We’re here to help If you have questions about our Multiple Account Policy or information requested above, please read our “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct" (Amazon). Additionally, please review general guidance for creating a plan of action (Amazon). You can view your account performance at (Amazon – Logowanie). The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon. Sincerely, Amazon Services Europe Could any senior member can help please?
It appears that you are a Pan-European seller and you have already provided your Poland VAT number in Seller Central for over a year. However, recently, Amazon launched the Amazon.pl marketplace and automatically synced and created an account for you on Amazon.pl. Unfortunately, you received a performance notification stating that your account has been deactivated.
The notification you received stated that your account has been deactivated according to Section 3 of the Amazon Business Solutions Agreement. Your offers have been disabled, but the funds will remain in your account until the issue is resolved through cooperation. This process may take up to 90 days, but the funds may be held longer. The notification also mentioned that you should send all open orders to prevent further restrictions on your account.
The reason provided for the deactivation is that there was a violation detected on an account associated with your company name “********* Ltd.” As a result, you are unable to use the “Account Name” account for selling on Amazon.pl. To reactivate your account, you need to follow certain steps outlined in the notification.
If you are the owner of the account “********* Ltd,” you should first reactivate that account by submitting an appeal following the instructions provided in the information you received regarding that specific account. Once that account has been successfully reactivated, you can then submit an appeal to reactivate your current account (“Account Name”). You can do this by logging into Amazon and accessing the appeal submission link.
If you believe that you are not the owner of the account “********* Ltd” or you no longer have any association with it, you need to submit an appeal and provide additional supporting documentation to demonstrate that you are no longer the owner or have any rights to that account. This documentation could include a sales deed, purchase agreement, business transfer agreement, contract termination, or any other relevant documents.
If you do not recognize the mentioned account and believe that the deactivation was a mistake, you should send an appeal to the provided address, confirming that the account does not belong to you.
Failure to provide the requested information within 90 days of the original notification will result in the continued deactivation of your account. It is important not to create a new seller account as this may further delay the reactivation process and could potentially lead to permanent closure of your account.
I understand that you have already contacted Amazon explaining that you do not have any other account and have never been part of the account in question. It’s unfortunate that you received a response stating that they don’t have enough information to reactivate your account at this time.
In this situation, I recommend following the instructions provided in the response you received and submitting the required information as requested through the View Appeal button on the Account Health dashboard (Amazon - Logowanie). Make sure to provide all the necessary supporting documentation to support your case and clarify any misunderstandings.
If you have any questions or concerns about Amazon’s Multiple Account Policy or the information requested, I suggest reading their “Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct” and reviewing general guidance for creating a plan of action. You can also monitor your account performance through the Account Health dashboard.
Please keep in mind that I’m providing general advice, and it’s important to carefully read and follow the instructions and guidelines provided by Amazon. If you need further assistance, it would be best to reach out to Amazon Seller Support directly for more specific guidance and clarification regarding your account deactivation.
I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck in resolving the issue and reactivating your account.
Revise your Plan of Action to address Amazon’s concerns comprehensively. Explain the root causes of the issue, steps you’ve taken to prevent a recurrence, and how you plan to maintain compliance with Amazon’s policies. It needs a proper working