Amazon pay account deactivated


my amazon pay account has been deactivated. I opened amazon pay account before publishing my store website and amazon locked account as the store website was not accessible.

Now I sent appeal asking for reacitvation but no response since weeks. In the response I just simply said that website is now public and can be accessed.
What is the best way to reactivate account? Is it possible to close existing amazon pay account and re open? I also sent message via Help but no response since beginning of the year.

If your Amazon Pay account has been deactivated and you have already submitted an appeal without receiving a response for several weeks, it’s important to take proactive steps to resolve the issue. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Contact Amazon Pay support directly: Reach out to Amazon Pay support through the appropriate channels. Log into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the “Help” or “Contact Us” section. Look for options to contact Amazon Pay support via email, phone, or chat. Clearly explain your situation and the steps you have taken so far. Request an update on the status of your appeal and express your willingness to provide any additional information or clarification they may require.
  2. Seek clarification on the reason for deactivation: When contacting Amazon Pay support, inquire about the specific reason for the deactivation of your account. Understanding the exact cause can help you address any underlying issues or requirements necessary for reactivation.
  3. Provide necessary documentation: Ensure that your website is accessible and compliant with Amazon’s policies. If any changes were made to your website, clearly communicate this to Amazon Pay support. If there are specific requirements for your industry or region, make sure your website adheres to those guidelines. If requested, be prepared to provide supporting documentation or evidence of compliance.
  4. Consider professional assistance: If your attempts to contact Amazon Pay support have been unsuccessful or if you require further guidance, you may want to consider seeking professional assistance. E-commerce consultants or legal professionals experienced in working with Amazon sellers can provide expert advice and help navigate the reactivation process.

Regarding the possibility of closing your existing Amazon Pay account and opening a new one, it’s best to consult directly with Amazon Pay support. They can provide you with accurate information on whether this is a viable option and any potential implications.

Remember to maintain a professional and persistent approach when contacting Amazon Pay support. Clearly communicate your desire to resolve the issue and your willingness to cooperate. It may also be helpful to keep records of your communication with Amazon Pay support, including dates, times, and any relevant case IDs, for future reference.

I hope this information helps, and I wish you the best of luck in reactivating your Amazon Pay account.