Amazon fees percentage

I was asked this question and had to admit I didn’t know the answer; the fees charged by Amazon are a percentage per order. If you as a seller sell a product in volume, does that perecentage change? Or do Amazon charge the same percentage regardless of whether you sell one unit in a month or 10,000?

The fees are fixed so in theory, volume is irrelevant. But one would imagine that if you are a mega seller, you would be able to negotiate better rates. I am only in the mid 6-figures per annum so this is not something I will ever be able to confirm or deny.


Thanks, that’s what I’ve always assumed but never having hit any volumes I wasn’t 100%

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The Amazon referral fee is fixed at 15% regardless of the volume.

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Amazon’s fees are generally a fixed percentage per sale, based on the product category, and do not change with order volume. Whether you sell 1 unit or 10,000 units, the percentage remains the same. However, you may benefit from lower fulfillment fees or other incentives if you sell in higher volumes or use programs like Amazon’s FBA.

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