Amazon claiming I have other account

I’m experiencing an issue with my Amazon account, which indicates multiple accounts. I have no knowledge of the additional account, and Amazon is requesting more info and I submitted alot of appeals, Any suggestions?

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What exactly is Amazon asking for?

Post the message you received from them, your appeals, and their responses


When your account gets suspended due to being related to another seller account which may not be used to sell on the site, it means that Amazon detected that it shares some information with another storefront, which is currently suspended.

It could be anything - e-mail address, phone number, bank account, credit card, inventory, SKU patterns, IP address usage patterns…

The link could have been created without your knowledge - maybe an employee logged into your account using his own computer or device, which was also used to access another account. Or someone else’s credit card was entered only to pay for an order in the buyer side of your account.

In order to appeal a suspension like this, you will firstly need to find the exact cause of the link.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t open a new Seller Account to circumvent the suspension, otherwise you will kill your last chance of being able to get reinstated.


Check out your global accounts. Something went wrong with one of them. Go through one by one and check all of your performance notifications. Also check all of your emails even if they are in a different language.

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Lawyer up.

You have been damaged and most certainly have the right to know the facts. Not sure what country you are in but your local law should have some protection for you.

When they attack your company you have recourse. I am assuming you are 100% clear of wrong doing, if not don’t go any further with it.


This is a related account suspension, Amazon deactivated your account because Amazon found that you have relation with another account (Amazon does not allow a person to create multiple accounts on same details and identity).

  1. First possibility: if you know the related account then first reinstate that account then it will be easy for you to reinstate your account.

2nd possibility: if you don’t know the related account or you are not able to reinstate related account then try to find a cause of linkage and create strong appeal on the basis of that linkage.

I hope it will be helpful, if you still need help then feel free to ask.

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