Amazon Accelerate Agenda Builder now available to customize your experience

Announcement reposted from Amazon United States:

You can now schedule one-on-one appointments with our Partner Connect sponsors and Amazon experts in the Seller Café.

Partner Connect is a curated collection of Amazon selling programs and trusted third-party service providers. You can schedule meetings with your current service providers to unlock new insights and receive operational support.

Seller Café offers one-on-one support with Amazon subject matter experts. In-person attendees can get in depth, personalized guidance about account issues, best practices for using Amazon tools and services, and help with new or existing issues.

To schedule appointments, go to Partner Connect and Seller Café.

If you can’t make it in person, you can still register to attend virtually for free access to livestreaming General and select Breakout Sessions on September 18, 2024, and September 19, 2024.

For more information and to register for Amazon Accelerate 2024, go to

TheAmazon Accelerate Agenda Builder is now available to help you customize your experience at the conference. Explore more than 60 Breakout Sessions, including interactive workshops, product demos, and presentations to accelerate your success.