Is it still worth it to sell on eBay?

I think that @skeeter is based in the United States. He used to be a leading contributor on the US forum, at the time when I was there as well.

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I agree. I can’t understand how it is legal in the United States that you cannot sue the company. In Europe, such conditions would be unenforceable.

I suspect that the company will be split into multiple separate entities due to their monopoly power and continued investigations by both EU and US.

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If you watch you will see what is going on in the USA. That is the only news channel that is not controlled by the cabal.

That binding arbitration is what held me back from legal action, years later I see a different approach that would have been outside the scope of their binding arbitration. Now the statute of limitations is up…

Splitting them up will only be a total waste of time and taxpayer dollars. Nothing will change other than the accounting practices. Pretty sure the same players will have a direct or indirect connection in some form. Now that everyone knows that touching digital communications is an extreme liability so it will discussed out on the ocean… Much harder to prove in court.

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@kika is correct. USA.

You can add the Fox News Channel to that very short list.


Since they ditched Tucker Carlson we only watch Laura Ingram and then its off to some other channel.

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Yeah, that was bummer. I theorize that he was part of the settlement.

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In my country, the situation is similar to the US. The same entities that control media have reach over there as well.

Tucker Carlson is a well known figure in my country as well. He recently did a great interview with Hungarian prime minister:

I believe he should run for the president with his charisma, what do you think? :grinning:

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I saw that interview. He even did a presentation to the public while he was there.

I believe he should run for the president with his charisma,

Nah. I’d rather he stick to investigative reporting.

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We did not realize he was even known outside of the USA.

The USA has changed so much, young folks like yourself will have a rough road ahead if things don’t change. “Old folks” like myself had a very good environment 30-40 years ago, now… and this is not gibberish from an “old fool” that cannot let go of the past.

Seems like he did too good of a job and the cabal wanted him out of the game.


Without a doubt.

He never said and/or did what they accused him of, which was actually true. They used the opportunity to finally silence him.

I’m on his mailing list, he hasn’t sent a single thing.


For the majority of the world, the USA is like a public platform that everyone watches, because everything starts there. The novel progressive ideologies that are aimed to deconstruct traditional values.

European countries face the same societal challenges, just like the US - we are just witnessing all of these movements with a delay. Our politicians and press are therefore sharing the news and referring to American personalities as their source for speeches or articles.

In our country, conservatives just won the elections. Despite our country has far more important issues to deal with, the topics which attract the most attention and votes are related to societal threats from the West, which constitute the same topics as Tucker Carlson perfectly addresses in his videos.

Each country has its Tucker Carlson. In our country, we have a guy called Lubos Blaha, who is just like him.

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Just like they did to us. These days, if the “establishment” doesn’t like you for any reason, they will cancel / silence you / trash your reputation.

There has to be a way how this can be stopped. People cannot be silenced just because someone doesn’t like their political views or opinions.

Anyway, he has a great career ahead and FoxNews only suffered losses by removing him. I heard that they agreed that as a part of a settlement with Dominion and also that it happened because Murdoch wanted to sell the media empire and making the network less controversial may increase its attractiveness.

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What exactly is it that you miss from that period? I wasn’t alive and in my country the system was different.

True. But, those in power are those currently in control. Don’t know if things will ever be the same. We can only hope.

I heard that they agreed that as a part of a settlement with Dominion

Yes. That’s true. But while everyone else was running around filing lawsuits, and sharing what they found (Dominion included), he never commented about the machines. He was just the sacrificial lamb.

Murdoch wanted to sell the media empire and making the network less controversial

That’s news to me. They’re number one in cable news. The only people who think it’s controversial are those still clinging to network news.

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As a “defamation lawsuit” winner, I just can’t get it how could Dominion get an $800m settlement over that case. They are a company, that couldn’t have suffered emotional harm from shame and humiliation. None of the available Plaintiff causes of action apply to them :see_no_evil:

A company cannot sue for defamation, unless they can prove they suffered this much financial losses as they claimed. Their case would have been thrown off court if Fox’s lawyers had any expertise in defamation claims.

Sadly, it is difficult to find good defamation lawyers, as these litigations are quite rare.

I agree.

From my personal observation, there was enough evidence to get the case thrown out and/or win it.

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This must have been a strategical settlement for some reason, possibly to get Tucker Carlson ousted or to create negative view of Donald Trump and his political efforts.

As a seasoned litigant, I cannot understand why would Fox News agree to pay the company hundreds of millions, over a frivolous and meritless case.

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I have no earthly idea. Maybe then had something on Murdoch?

Tucker had the #1 primetime news show for 10 straight years. Hannity is 2nd, The Five 3rd.

If I was Fox’s attorney, I would march in with all the evidence of their machines changing votes, and how the Detroit machines counted 20,000 more votes than they had voters.

Unfortunately, next year will probably be worse.


Just waiting to see if they can concoct another scheme that will out do the Blue Plague a/k/a covid.

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